Why Your First Mailing Did Not Work

Over the years I have spoken to hundreds of note brokers and finders regarding our mailing list. Many of them responded
they tried mailing once then quit. They usually gave up because no note holders called them. Unfortunately, if you do not
select a good list to start with, you are bound to fail. We invite you to try our basic, introductory list at a discounted rate
for first time mailers. Just enter the code “
ASDS9” on your order form and we will give you 40% more records for free.  

Most brokers informed us their only exposure to mailing was a list given to them or bought from someone connected to an
expensive seminar. Unfortunately, they seem to give the same list of 500 to 1000 names to every student. If you received a
call or e-mail from us, that is how we found you. We have carried enough paper to occasionally be bombarded by the
same post card from many finders or brokers and all coming from the same school.

We spoke with hundreds of brokers who tried these lists and failed. Many then bought our list and closed their first deal.

How are we different? We only work with seller carry-back records and need repeat broker/finder business so:

We offer guarantees about our lists
We provide free educational material- no strings attached- to help you succeed
We focus on producing one great list, we don’t spend our time trying to mange hundreds of different lists
We have 15 years of experience specifically collecting seller carry-back data
We can customize your order
Advanced Seller Data Services
"Providing the very best lists to note brokers and investors"
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